Please see general instructions below for hanging wallpaper:
The walls need to be dry, smooth, clean and free from dust. Remove any old wallpaper and loose paint.
The walls should be an all-over light neutral colour with no highly contrasting areas. Highly absorbent surfaces should be sized with a primer/sealer. Silk paint should be roughened with sandpaper.
New plaster and paint should be allowed to dry out completely.For best results cross-line the walls using a good quality lining paper.
P A S T I N G & H A N G I N G
Our wallpaper is a paste-the-wall type of wallpaper. The paste needs to be applied directly on the wall, not the back of the wallcovering.
Use a good quality paste for non-woven wallcovering. All purpose and heavy duty pastes are not suitable.
Prepare the paste as per the instructions provided by the supplier.
Mark the walls using a pencil and a spirit level to ensure strips are applied straight. It's very important to get the first strip perfectly straight.
Apply the paste evenly on the wall to an area slightly wider than the width of the roll. Check the design direction prior to hanging. Hang 1 length at a time.
Press the dry lengths on the wall with a soft brush. Work from the centre to the edges of the wallpaper to remove bubbles. Avoid squeezing the paste out of the joints.
Trim the top and the bottom with a sharp knife.
Paste will damage the surface of the wallpaper. Wipe off any paste while it is still moist, using a clean damp sponge. Do not rub.